Khalti Ko Prasanga

Lying on pyre

Every night I put myself in burning pyre.

I look at my entire self and slowly watch the fire engulfing it.
Fire burns off my outer clothes. 
Then my skin, slowly moving into muscles and blood.
Fire burns off  all my bodily fluids, my organs, hands, legs, chest and belly.
Slowly I sense  my eyes on fire then my ears,  mouth,  tongue- whole face, hair and finally head.

When there is nothing to burn the fire goes off on its own.
I gather all the remains and place that on hands of my ego and then remind it that it is what my ego is based on. 
There is no basis for it.
 All it existed was just an illusion.
Ego succumbs itself and then vanishes.

Finally, when I open my eyes, there is a new birth within myself. 
New flow of energy kicks off a new chapter.

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